I built a Gig Setlist and exported it to the SD Card and it worked great, at first.
After the Gig i needed to adjust the BPM’s a a few Songs and change some of the midi files for some of the Main Drum Loops by removing the SDCard from BB and inserting in my SD Card reader for my Mac.
I have been trying unsuccessfully to Export the same Project (with the updated changes) back to the SD Card and am getting the following Dialog Box’s:
“Project should be exported to the top of SD card in order for your pedal to work. Choose No to export to /Volumes/8DAY BB at your own risk. Choose Yes to export to / instead.”
I choose my SD Card (named 8DAY BB) and get this message:
“Chosen destination already contains a project. Do you want to overwrite it?”
I choose Yes to “overwrite it”. BB Mgr starts the process, then I get this:
“Unable to delete /Volumes/8DAY BB/DRUMSETS/01A3DBCD.DRM What would you like to do?” There are 2 options, “Retry” and “Abort”.
If I hit “retry” it keeps looping back until i hit “abort”. Which brings me to:
“Aborting by user request”
So I tried renaming the Project and BB Mgr ran through the process. Attempted to Export to SD Card, hit the “NO” button asking if I want to Syncronise for the future, and then I get this:
“Unable to delete /Volumes/8DAY BB/DRUMSETS/01A3DBCD.DRM. What would you like to do?”
the “Retry” button does nothing and I am forced to abort.
That has happened to me & I find that the SD card just has to be ejected & re-inserted, I guess it wasn’t seated right or fully making contact well in the SD port. Try that & see what happens. Otherwise it appears you are doing everything correctly. Good luck!
Thanks Mitch for the reply! I tried your suggestion and it still did not export Project to SD.
I am thinking it has something to do with the “synchronize” feature - it is not finding the original Project files.
I’m Still Working on this with “no Joy”!
I downloaded the “SD Card Backup” to try a clean install of the original BB Files to my SD Card. When I Export Project to SD Card I getthis:
“Use saved location to write project to /Volumes/8DAY BB?”
I Choose “Yes” and get this:
“Chosen destination already contains a project. Do you want to overwrite it?”
I choose "Yes"and get this:
“Unable to delete /Volumes/8DAY BB/DRUMSETS/01A3DBCD.DRM What would you like to do?” The only option that works is to ABORT.
I even tried dragging the downloaded “SD Card Backup” files on to the SD card and it wouldn’t let me.
Could a Technical Support Person please advise me?
Any Forum Members with an idea would be helpful also!
Thanks so much
Found the answer while searching through old threads:
“The problem with exporting on a mac is that our SD cards are usually at some place like /Volumes/BBCARD, and the software thinks that’s not a “root” type folder, so you actually have to say NO in order to export, otherwise it goes to /, which is the hard drive root, not the sd card root.”
So, did that solve your problem? I have the same error message,
@RandyClay - yes, I am up and running now. I ended up wiping and then restoring fresh files on my SD Card, ditched all the “projects” other than the Project with my Set List on it, and then chose the counter-intuitive “NO” (outlined in previous post) when saving my “Set List Project” to my SD Card. I also chose “NO” when asked if i wanted to synchronize for the future. Now, I just make Set List changes, etc., and then “Export Project to SD Card”. All is working now, but spent hours reading and trying other Forum Posts and Tutorials. Some of what I was experiencing might have something to do with have an older iMac running older an OS. I’m running OS 10.7.5, and the BB Mgr Info asks for a minimum OS of 10.9.
I had decided that I was not going to buy a new computer to make this thing work - I would return the BB instead. I am really glad I persevered and found a way to make it work. I just finished a rehearsal with the BB and I was very satisfying! Dont give up…