Extra outputs for multi- tracking backing tracks

After intensive investigation into backing tracks, especially multi-tracks and associated equipment for playing backing tracks, could I ask is it possible that a NEW Aeros could be built to have extra outputs so as to improve options of the 6 tracks in 6x6 mode. Two would be adeaquate.

Musicians are heading this way more often now by using equipment such as TrackRig or Idoru P1.
An upgraded Aeros would certainly compete in this trend. And I would much rather spend my money where I could keep the same manufacturer with other synchronised pedals as I have now, not to mention what we have already studied.

Hi there,

This is not how feature requests work, unfortunately, while it sounds cool, feature requests are only for firmware updates, building a new product is a much greater task. I will move this to an appropriate category for this reason, thank you for your feedback!

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