I’ve been working on a pattern for Far Behind by Candlebox. I started with Ballad 2, but modified the kick pattern a little to more closely match the real song. There’s 2 .sng files, one that has bass on all parts and 1 that omits the bass on the verses (due to me looping the verse guitar and bass lines for the verses, so I don’t need the BB to provide the bass)
I wanted to avoid OP so that you can still jam or extend parts if needed, structure is as follows:
Intro - 4 count, then hats on 2 and 4. 9 bars total, covers intro guitar and first progression of vocals.
Part 1 - 4 bars, Full verse progression (With or without bass lines)
Part 2 - 4 bars full Chorus progression with bass
Part 3 - 4 bars, Full verse progression (With or without bass lines)
Part 4 - 4 bars full Chorus progression with bass
Part 5 - 16 bars, full lead with Chorus progression and the change to just G and E.
Part 6 - The Hendrix-y E7-9 vamp beat → Trans Fill (Walk down riff (E-D B-Bb-A-E))
Part 7 - The last Chorus/|Verse part (G G E E instead of G E D C)
Outro - Walk down riff 3 times (left me far behind, left me far behind, left me far…behind)
It’s not quite beat for beat with the original recording, but it’s decently close. Looking forward to getting this added to our set!
This was created using the “Rock With Bass” drum set you can find on the forum.
Far Behind.zip (1.5 MB)