Fill issues in BeatBuddy manager


I am trying to set up some songs myself.
I have no issue exporting and importing main beats but I am with the fills. When I export a fill from an existing song then import it into mine the timing of the fill if it’s a half measure will not line up right like it does in the existing song. When clicking for a fill or transition fill it will only start on one then there is a half measure of silence. When using it in the existing song it plays the main riff until the appropriate point to play the fill at the end of the measure so it transitions smooth. When I slide the fill over it works. But not when I export and import. Please help!!!

I might not be the best person to help. But to my knowledge the old BBM doesn’t have the feature you are looking for but the new BBMO should have it :thinking:

Personally I haven’t tested it but I know it’s not part of the midi file itself :relieved: I mean the feature that how long the beat is played until the fill kicks in :yum:


Please try using the BeatBuddy Manager Online, and if you encounter any issues, feel free to send an email to