First beat plays as beat 2

This problem happens in both BeatBuddy 1.8.5 and BBManager I added the attached MIDI track as the intro to a song in BBManager. When I clicked play, the VM played the first beat as beat 2 rather than beat 1 (as shown by the moving bar on the display). The BBManager MIDI editor shows the beats in the correct places, but they play back a beat late.

VM ?

Probably means the Playback (virtual music?) in the BeatBuddy Manager . . . .

Thanks persist

Virtual Machine - the top left corner of BBManager

Wow never notice that it said that up there. I’m checking it out and I hear what your talking about. If I can figure it out I’ll let you know .

See if this works

I’ve got the same problem just a littls while.
Root cause was the MiDi file containing two notes stuck quite side by side on the MiDi track.
I could see it only after several large zooming but your file seems perfect and runs ok with my BB and 1.8.5 BBmanager software.
I just merged Midi track 2 to Midi track 1 and suppress Midi track 2 and it runs ok. See it below.