Fix for issue with clicking noise in Drumset with Bass.

I just tried “All Over Now” with the NP Vintage Ludwig with Bass and although it sounds great through my headphones when i play it back through BB pedal it comes out with minimal clicking but the bass sounds very muffled.When I tried the same song with P Vintage Ludwig with bass, the bass and drums are very clear but the clicking is more profound. The BB Manager Im using is 1.66 and firmware 1.85. I’m sure that fixing this one problem may fix the rest of the issues I am having with the other songs.Yes your right I love the material that Phil has taken the time to produce. I also just downloaded “All Shook Up” played it with the original (brushes with bass) and i still get the static clicking.
Ok thanks for taking the time to help me with this.

Sounds like you’re getting closer to resolving the noise issue. In our defense, although we listen to the songs we put together on the BBM and the pedal before we upload them, sometimes during playback we get distracted, turn the volume down so as not to disturb our family or a clicky song flat out gets by us. expects Finger Style Brush/Bass (not NP or Mod) drum set and I did not hear any noise; when I tried an NP or Mod kit, it sounds slightly echoey but no clicks. Please try it with a non-NP or Non-Mod kit on your pedal and see how it sounds.

All Shook Up was the one out of the 3 songs on which the bass sounds click with the brushes w bass kit. When that happens, preview a different drum set. In this song’s case, I think it should have used the NP brushes w bass kit. I tried it with the NP SuperBassG kit and I no longer hear any clicking or noises. I think @banditt11 pointed out that he couldn’t get the bass to play on this song.

Hope all of this is making sense and that you get it all sorted out.

Me too.

AH ha ok after a lot of dickering around the problem seems to have been resolved. I don’t really know what i did right other than re import drum kits and songs again and pressed a whole lot of buttons ( might need a new keyboard for my computer ) :slight_smile: but everything seems to be working great! I love this machine I will never play alone again.Now if I could just learn how to convert midi files off the internet into beatbuddy songs that would be great but that will probably have to wait until my next life.
Thanks for your help.

Here’s a video I made one night …
I was having a hard time figuring this out, Stu said he raised the bass up two octaves,
but, I could never get it working, so, on a whim I tried 3 octaves , …& success :wink:
… don’t know what DAW you use , but, cakewalk made it work for me . good luck .

Awesome thanks for the info