Flexible audio routing


I am thinking about buying Aeros, many features on it seem like it would really fit in my ideal workflow. But some features are not possible (yet) which is quite limiting to the workflow I have in mind. However I could see this would be possible to implement with the existing hardware. Is there any indication the following improvements might happen in the (near) future?

  1. Flexible routing / input - possibility to route any of the four inputs to any of the tracks. I am planning to perform live with voice, guitar, synth and electronic percussion pad. Mixer is not necessary, already a matrix would do.
  2. Flexible routing / output - I would like to be able to freely route different tracks to all four outputs so that the sound engineer can eq and process and mix them separately. Here as well a matrix would be more than enough.
  3. Multiple track recording (or at least two at the time) - This would obviously allow to build up the loops faster while still being able to control all the different instruments/tracks separately. The whole point of me wanting Aeros so much is that it offers a great workflow to spread the loops out to more parts easily, thus escaping the jail of a single chord sequence. Aeros is in this a giant step ahead of the (hardware based) competition but recording multiple (at least two) tracks at the same time with pre-defined inputs would put it into a different solar system.

Otherwise, I must say I truly appreciate your vision and what you accomplished so far. I assume developing such a machine takes a lot of effort and dedication and it is very obvious that you deeply understand the essence of what a looper should be.

Kind regards,



+1 on all of these features

Hey there,

Sorry for the delay in replying and to bear bad news but, unfortunately, all three of your requests are not possible on the Aeros and are not part of the timeline as they cannot be done.

We do not allow batch requests as per the Forum Rules, so I will move this post to an appropriate category

Thank you for your request and your patience!

I apologize if this is beating a dead horse but I’d like to ask a clarifying question: I don’t need 4 independent ins and outs, but it would be amazing to be able to route the left and right ins and outs to discrete tracks (i.e. vocals on left input routed to odd numbered tracks, instrument right input routed to even, odd numbered tracks routed to left output, even on right). I’ve been experimenting with the stereo mode so the ins and outs are discrete, but everything going into the aeros gets recorded onto the same track whenever it’s recording, even though the outputs are isolated such that I can send instrument to one channel on a mixer and vox to another. But for instance, if I’m singing and playing chords for a verse, I can’t record just the instrument and go back and solo over those chords without the vocal replaying. I don’t know if this is a firmware limitation or a me not understanding limitation. Is there a way to do this/implement this in the future? I’ve considered a more low-tech solution like putting the aeros in a 2-channel effects loop pedal so I can sing and play at the same time while controlling what actually gets recorded onto the aeros. But maybe that gets dicey with things like overdubbing harmonized backing vocals? Thoughts?

But for instance, if I’m singing and playing chords for a verse, I can’t record just the instrument and go back and solo over those chords without the vocal replaying.

If all you want to do is sometimes record guitar without recording vocals, you could just use aux in for vocals and main in for guitar (or vice versa) and turn recording on or off for each source as desired via MIDI.

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And that will allow for audio to pass through without recording? I could set up a midi footswitch to “arm/disarm” each recording input without muting entirely?

I already own a tiny midi-over-bluetooth pedal that I use to turn pages on my tablet while playing. So it would cost me nothing to experiment with this.

Looks like this can be done using midi CC:45 values 2 and 3?

Yep. I haven’t made much use of CC:45, but it worked when I tried it. I’m not sure if Aeros supports bluetooth MIDI though.

Hey there,

This is not possible on the Aeros

This is the best proposed solution we can give for the best results if more control is needed. Use a button that toggles to send the two commands and send the opposite two commands on the 2nd toggle state.

For example, if input 1 and 2 have one sound source and 3 and 4 have another and 1/2 need to be recorded first, you can use CC:43 values 2 and 3 to disable this input from being recorded to the Aeros once you have committed your recording/overdub and then enable 3/4 to record the next track/overdub. You can do this as many times as you’d like.

If discrete 4 channel mixing is needed this is more involved, you would likely want to use a combination of the above method along with sending MIDI values to control the input level and reduce it to -inf using CC:21-24 value 0, and then using value 100 to set them back to 0dB (or find an adequate value)

Mixer values are detailed in the 5.2.0 post and will be added to the MIDI commands sheet once 5.2.0 is out of beta.

This second option requires 5.2.0 to work since it has input controls.

Thanks for the question!

Well, drat. Does the bluetooth do anything at all yet?

I don’t think so, but all my knowledge on the topic comes from years-old comments on this forum.