Free footswitch?

ummm…ok so…well…hmmmm
OK I will just say it…I’m a bit ticked off… I supported BB at the Indiegogo stage, I waited and waited, and then waited some more, realised I would need the footswitch to get the best, paid up, waited, waited waited…

Finally I got it, I love it, and I also got a midi cable…and am starting to do cool things, though I’m still waiting…patiently kinda, for the software.

I think I am what you might call, a loyal disciple to the church of BB.

But this morning, I get a mail saying that the last 100 or so latecomers to the altar of BB get free footswitches…

I feel a little slighted… yes I know that I will miss out on special offers on all kinds of products I bought after the fact, but this was a crowd funding project…don’t you think we deserve the goodies a bit more than the last few to order?

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Wow, I feel I am majorly missing something right now.

What is the e-mail you are talking about? Or was that an announcement made anywhere?

We just delivered 3,000 BeatBuddy units and everyone
is LOVING them! One thing we keep hearing over and over is how easy it is use and how amazing the sound quality of the drums are.

We wanted to let you know that there are
LESS THAN 100 units left
for our October delivery! After this, our next production run will not be complete until the end of November – so we thought it’d be important to give you the heads up. And as a reward for being on our mailing list, if you order within the next four days,
we will include a FREE footswitch
($50 retail value)
with your BeatBuddy!
But this offer expires on Monday, October 13, so please order now! (To get the free footswitch use the coupon code L100EFS in checkout)

You can order here:

Brian accidentally got that email. It was only supposed to go to people who didn’t order a BeatBuddy yet.

These are people who will be paying $350 for a unit. So we decided to do a short promotion to throw in a free footswitch.

That really makes sense now. Thanks for confirmation, David!

However they are almost paying $349 when indigogo backers like myself only paid $179 - we still got the better deal :slight_smile:

yes…but we waited 10 months…

I think $50 US for this is …a bit much.

I have one. Actually, I have a buch of these type things. They are an aluminum box with two $2 switches and a couple wires.

I can make one myself in ten minutes.

The latching switches they use are also kind of low end. :smiley:

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Can you make thousands of those, though? Go ahead, I’ll make a software :slight_smile:

I paid still 349 Dollar for the beat buddy, 29 Dollar for the footswitch, 10 Dollar for the Midi cabel, 30 Dollar for shipping, am still waiting, when it comes i have to pay some more money for taxes (i live in europa - germany) , wished there had been something for free… :cry:
Even a non-virtual handshake from David :wink: , or some sympathy (or compassion?) from the community…? :ugeek:

It’s funny, when they first announced the add-on footswitch, I thought giving it to the original backers for free would have been a great goodwill gesture in apology for the delays …

As DM1 pointed out, they are (relatively) cheap to make and may have eased the pains of the supporters.



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When they first sent Emails about the Footswitch and Midi Cable I emailed them asking if they could offer a discount
because of the long delay in shipping the Beatbuddy. Reply I got said they would like to but could not afford to do so.
So not even a discount let alone a free Footswitch.

Sounds reasonable enough for me. BeatBuddy team consists of a really nice guys. But their business is not a charity though.

I thought the actual (not list) cost of the pedal with the cable was pretty reasonable. It may seem like there’s not much to it, but the box is well made, sturdy and compact. I really like that it doesn’t have a hard wired cable like many amp footswitches.

The cable is also sturdy with my only suggestion to make one plug straight and keep the other at a right angle.

I agree with Brian…

I’m in the October 28th delivery group and I received a slightly different email.

We wanted to thank you for ordering a BeatBuddy. As a courtesy, we would like to remind that if you would like to receive the BeatBuddy footswitch with your BeatBuddy and save $20 off the retail price of $49, you need to order it now, as this footswitch pre-order deal will be ending within a week.<<

However, I did indeed purchase the footswitch with my initial order (and the midi cable) and now wonder if they know that? Did I get this email by mistake? Did anyone else who ordered everything get this email?


Got the exact same email even though I ordered the foots with when I ordered my BB. My receipt shows the purchase of both. I just took it as advertising to anyone who made a purchase of the BB.