The original demo of this song was created from a song idea I had stored in my Digitech Trio+ pedal. It had been in there so long, I don’t even remember which guitar I used on the rhythm loop. I used the song clip to create this recording with a Moog Mavis analog synth module for the lead. It turned out ok, so I replaced the Digitech’s bass track with my own Rickenbacker bass track and replaced the drum track with a BeatBuddy drum track. That’s always tricky because the Digitech’s drum was somewhere between 108 and 109 BPM, so I had to tweak the BeatBuddy’s tempo in real time as I was recording the new drum track. I used the “Rock 1” BeatBuddy song.
The videos of my playing the synth and bass were not very good, so I just screen-captured some Winamp visualizations for the video.