General queries on 1:diagnostic menu 2: pdf manual navigation 3:usb internal memory access

General observation / queries.
Diagnostic Menu
Can’t find much info in the manual about what each of the diagnostic tests do.

Every time I run the Factory test for example it eventually returns “Fail” to the display. But theres no info on the purpose of the diagnostic test. Fail may be the normal response if the test is for factory only production line diagnostics where it may be connected to differing SD cards USB links etc at the factory.

But Fail could also mean a faulty unit without accompanying info as to tests purpose.

PDF Manual navigation
Navigating the manual is extremely time consuming as there seems to be no index hyperlinking in the pdf version.

USB File Access incomplete information
USB use : I can see the port now allows access to internal memory but can I add or delete any of the files and folders it shows me without causing issues. ie does a reboot recreate anything needed for Aeros to function properly?

I recognise these items might still be work in progress areas, but be handy to know to prevent creating problems.


Regarding the manual: the table of contents is hyperlinked but should definitely be more detailed. In particular it should include subheadings for the huge ‘MIDI & the Aeros’ chapter. The MIDI In table should be one click away, but instead is buried somewhere in its 45 pages. Also, the MIDI tables in the ‘printer-friendly’ PDF should be black on white instead of white on grey.

Hi David,

Thank you for your feedback! The factory test is only for factory use, so please disregard the results you see.

You can copy files from the Aeros to your computer, but you cannot add or modify them through the USB connection.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out!