GREEN RIVER by Creedence Clearwater Revival. OPB

Here’s my OPB version - you will need Rock & Rick Bass drums (759.0 KB)

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I can’t get this file to import into BB Manager. It’s showing up as a Cakewalk Midi File on my PC not a standard BBFile.

Oh yes…sorry I’ll correct the post…
Thanks for pointing it out, ‘senior moment’ here.

Try clicking on the zip now


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Thanks! It sounds great btw. I’ve been looking to change/cycle out my CCR songs. This does the trick! Keep doing what you do, great contribution to the forum!

Cheers Drakelife…
I’m starting to work through midi files which I have used to produce WAV. files as backing tracks for my duo. One advantage is that I know the songs parts are in the right order :slight_smile:

I got fed up with being tied into rigid backing tracks and wanted a more dynamic and simpler sound.
Apart from the BeatBuddy, I have also started using the Electro-Harmonics C9 Organ Machine which works well with some songs and fills the sound out.

Electro-Harmonics C9 Organ Machine

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