I just tried using the Beatbuddy with my Headphones. The Dial came loose and fell inside. I can hear it rattling around .
Is it safe to remove the bottom cover to attach the Dial ? Is this something best left for return and repair ?
I just tried using the Beatbuddy with my Headphones. The Dial came loose and fell inside. I can hear it rattling around .
Is it safe to remove the bottom cover to attach the Dial ? Is this something best left for return and repair ?
Re: Headphone Volume Dial came loose and fell inside the Hou
I found other posts with some having the same problem. I took the bottom off and placed the loose dial back on.
There does not appear to be a screw to secure the dial. The dial just goes over the small post.
I used a tiny amount of Gorilla Glue on the dial and post.
Hopefully that will work so the dial does not fall off again. In fact I had just put the bottom plate back on when the Dial fell inside again. I removed the plate and tried a slight bit more Gorilla Glue.
Re: Headphone Volume Dial came loose and fell inside the Hou
There is supposed to be a screw. What I did when mine came loose was to add a small lock washer. I recommended this to the BB staff as well for the next production run. ANY rotating control knob should be secured with some kind of locking device, or continued rotating motion in the same direction as the threading of the screw can eventually cause it to come loose.
However, being quite familiar with Chinese manufacturing techniques, they will probably start putting hot glue over the screw. :roll:
Re: Headphone Volume Dial came loose and fell inside the Hou
I’d double check the original package for a screw. Yes, it is supposed to be in the BeatBuddy, may be it just fell away.
Re: Headphone Volume Dial came loose and fell inside the Hou
I didn’t find a screw to attach the Dial back on. I tried some Gorilla Glue. So far that seems to be working to hold the dial in place. We’ll see if it works to keep it there.
I wonder if a small Eyeglass screw might work if the Glue does not continue to work ?
Re: Headphone Volume Dial came loose and fell inside the Hou
It is a very tiny screw and an eyeglass screw I’m sure would be perfect.
Re: Headphone Volume Dial came loose and fell inside the Hou
I may have fixed the problem with the glue job but after contacting Beatbuddy Support they said they would send me another screw. I figure with the glue and screw combined that dial should stay in place and never fall off again.
At least I hope not.