Help needed in loading new sounds into my friends Beat Buddy pedal

Greetings! I’m a very happy BB user here. I have a friend who bought a BB pedal and also one of the BB drum packs with new kits/sounds. What would be the Easiest way to help him get his new kits loaded? He does not have a computer. I have my BB backed up on my PC and want to keep my data separate.

Thanks for any suggestions!!

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Do you mean that you don’t want your friend’s backup on your PC? :thinking: I mean that you can have multiple backups on the same PC and you could separate them by putting them in different folders :relieved:

E.g. “my BB backups” folder to contain your backups and “friend’s BB backups” for him :blush:

If he wants to be able to maintain backups by himself then best to have some device that supports the usage of either BBM or BBMO. And to have a memory card reader :thinking:

If he has a device then try to figure out if it works for this purpose and if he should buy a device for this then maybe computer would be the easiest :sweat_smile:

I don’t have card reader for my iPad and don’t know it that would work anyway :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Ok and thanks. We will try the separate folder approach. I think I have a new title- my friends Beat buddy manager! He will most likely never ever buy a computer, just not into that sort of thing. I will try to figure this out slowly and get back to post my luck on this forum. :grinning:

PS once I am able to get his new sounds onto my computer which Singular sound app would be best to download the sounds into his beat buddy pedal? The beat Buddy loader or the new BB manager online??

It probably would not be that difficult to create and maintain a project on your computer using the BBMO—especially since you’re going to become your buddy’s BeatBuddy (BB) manager. Here’s the steps:

  • download or copy the new content to your desktop and unzip it
  • create a new folder on your desktop and name the folder
  • insert your friend’s SD card in your SD card reader
  • select and copy all the files from his SD card to the newly named folder on your desktop
  • launch the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or the BBMO on your computer
  • Open Project and navigate to your buddy’s new folder on your desktop—not his SD card
  • select it and the project should open
  • Import his purchased content from your desktop
  • Save Project and then Synchronize the project to his card
  • eject the card and have him test it on his pedal

This sounds like the ticket! Thank you So much and I will let know how this turns out next week!

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I now have my friends Beat Buddy and have downloaded his new Beat Buddy sounds onto my desktop.
I followed your instructions above to the letter nearly to the end. I’m stumped on how to “Import purchased content.” Please elaborate on how I do this! I tried BB Online and was able to get the new drum kits to show up, but I have no idea how to download the new songs into BB online.

Thanks again for your help! Much appreciated here

PS I download latest firmware for my friends Beat buddy (4.1.6) and was successful in updating it…

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If you send an email to, I’ll be happy to help you out with that.

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Ok just sent you an email. Thanks