Help with footswitch and beat buddy

I just received the Aeros Loop studio and and love it. Have a long way to go though.
But my footswitch is acting odd. It does the accent and will pause but when the bb is not playing I can hold down the right button and access the folders etc. Then when selecting it’s just randomly going through the list. Something’s not right. lol. And yes I do have the Aeros connected to my BB as well. Thank you!!
And also I notice I can take the cord out of my amp and plug it into my l/mono input on my BB and everything still works fine. Why is this and which way should I have it? Thanks again!!

well i fixed the footswitch somehow it works fine. Pretty simple really. Thank you. But I’m still curious about the cord. thanks.


Huh? Are you sure you didn’t mean the patch cable from your amp to the Left Output from your BeatBuddy (BB) pedal? As described, I’m assuming there’s no signal being passed from your amp to your pedal.

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I’m using my Spark II amp. This is what my best buddy looks like. I took the cable out of the amp and plugged it into what is circled. The circle on the left goes to the head headphones on the amp. And I have my buddy hooked up to my Aeros going from the out to in. Should I leave it this way? Just confused on why it works and if I should plug that cable back into the amp, etc., or if it matters at all. Thanks!!:metal::heart:

If the patch cable is coming from the output of your amp, remove the patch cable to see whether or not it makes a difference. I don’t think it will.

If it’s coming from the input of your amp, it will not make any difference as there’s no audio signal being carried.

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I’m confused…
From the image you posted and your description I think you have it hooked up as I show in the sketch below.
If you have the headphone out of the BB connected to the headphone out of the Spark, why? Normally outputs of devices are not connected to each other.
I assume the Aeros MIDI in/out is connected to the BB MIDI in/out. What are the audio connections to the Aeros.
Guitar or other instrument I’m guessing is to the input of the Spark(?)

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I apologize the BB is connected through the headphone jack on the BB and is going to the aux in behind the Spark II.