Help with Midi signal from OnSong to BB and Aeros

Hello, I thought I had this answer somewhere but I can’t seem to find it.
I have my system set up using OnSong to send a midi signal to my BB to call up the song and it’s working great. What I’m trying to do now is also have OnSong load the song in the Aeros as well at the same time. (I have the BB set up as the master, and using the PC commands from OnSong).
I thought I had read that by adding an LSB command to the OnSong signal, it would also call up the song from the Aeros song list as well, but I can’t get it to work.
Any advice, help, or direction would be greatly appreciated!

The Aeros listens only to MSB and PC, you can set the BeatBuddy to ignore the MSB to freely change MSB on Aeros too, simply go to Main Pedal > MIDI Settings > MIDI IN > PC and set to Aeros mode.

Thanks, Brennan. I’ll try that this weekend.

How did it go? Successful?

Hi, Matt -

Unfortunately, no. I tried to do it this weekend, but realized I need to update my BB software first because “Aeros Mode” wasn’t an option.
I have a gig this coming weekend, so I really don’t want to do the update before then in case I screw something up. So, after my gig, I’ll update and then try it.
I’ll let you know.
Thanks for checking!

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