Hola a todos de habla hispana and Hello every body

Soy nuevo en el forum, he comprado este magnifico aparato, BBuddy pero me estoy volviendo loco para manejarlo, porque todas las ayudas están en Ingles, y me pregunto, no podríamos los que hablamos español crear un subforo…? y podernos comunicar y ayudarnos,…creo que se podria con la ayuda administrador del forum, traducire esto con Google …para que lo lean los english parlantes…ojala lo entiendan, y espero comprendan mi preocupación
I’m new to the forum, I bought this gorgeous gadget, BBuddy but I’m going crazy to handle it, because all the helps are in English, and I wonder, could not we the ones who spoke Spanish create a subforum …? And to be able to communicate and help us, … I think it could be with the help of the forum administrator, translate this with Google … to be read by the English speakers … hopefully you understand
I hope you understand my concern

I think it’s a neat idea. Perhaps Singular Sound would consider this. The only possible problem is that Spanish-speaking users might also expect help desk services in Spanish? Have to start somewhere though.

Gracias por tu respuesta, yo me conformaria con ayudarnos entre nosotros, tambien pienso que aumentaria las ventas…disculpen si hay errores porque es traducido por google
Thanks for your answer, I would settle for helping us between us, I also think it would increase sales … Sorry for any errors because it is translated by google

Thanks for the suggestion and for making the extra effort to translate.

Hope Support can do this. Maybe for French, German and Dutch ( as well as other languages).

I do not know if we will be enough Spaniards in the forum to have our own forum

Another Spaniard here. Its a good idea translate for all users in this site.

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Hola a todos, Hello everybody…contents redacted by moderator.

Please translate your post so that all users can understand. Thank you

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