Hooking midi maestro up to Loopy Pro

Just curious if this could be done, thank you. This is Loopy Pro:

If it supports MIDI commands then yes it’s possible :relieved:

Well would you know how to do it or anything? Could you elaborate? This singular sound stuff is a frickin’ pain.

Details of Loopy Pro should be asked from their forum/support etc.

But I can tell you how I use MM with app called MobileSheets :relieved:

  1. I create a user mode in MM and decide to use e.g. CC:5 for page turn.
  2. I assign the CC:5 for one of the six buttons.
  3. For channel I have decided that MobileSheets listens channel 2 so I use it.
  4. Connection between MM and iPad I use Bluetooth so I select that.
  5. Then in MobileSheets I go to midi actions and assign the CC:5 to page turn action.
  6. And now always when connected I can turn the page in MobileSheets with MM :blush:
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You haven’t mentioned whether or not you are going to be using your desktop, iPad or iPhone. BTW, thought you were going to buy an AEROS Gold Edition? :thinking:

Anyway, the age of your iOS device will help you determine what type of USB connection you want to use between your iOS device running Loopy Pro and the MIDI Maestro. You can connect using either hardwire or Bluetooth. I connect mine via Bluetooth. If you’re going to connect using hardwire, you’ll need a USB-to-MIDI interface. Mio makes a decent one and it’s available from Amazon.

You’re going to have to figure out how you intend to use the audio input and output from the looper and for that, best, as aapo mentioned, to spend some time with the Loopy Pro web site. Download the manual if you haven’t done so already. Loopy Pro also seems to have a pretty good forum and Wiki so those are other good reference starting points.

I’ve been keeping my eye on software loopers for quite a while now as they are interesting and growing more capable by the day (probably more capability than I’ll ever need). The three that have my attention are

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Yes I want the Aeros, but it is expensive. I feel like if I could get the Maestro hooked up with Loopy Pro it would save me 700.00.
If there’s disadvantages, which I’m sure there are, please let me know. Because the Aeros looks cool I’m just slow to get it right now. And yes I’d be using this on ipad, iphone, and desktop. But the good news I see Midi Maestro paired in the loopy app. I’ll just have to consult their documentation. Thanks!:love_you_gesture:

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