Hi guys,
I’ve been looking all over the place, but I’ve been unable to find the steps to install both drum kits and songs. Can someone help me please?
There is tons of information on here what are you trying to install and where from, as procedures can vary. With the BB manager download also comes a Drumkit editor pdf that details most to do with drumkits and my videos show you how to import and change songs etc…
Thanks mate,
I appreaciate it
I just want to use some of the drum kits others are sharing such as the cajon and the 808kit. I was able to download these files, but dont know how to install them. Im going to watch yourvideos. Hopefully I ll be able to do it once I familiarise myself better with the beatbuddy.Thbanks for your help
kits others Fifa coins are sharing such as the cajon and the 808kit. I was able to download these files, but dont know how to install them. Im going to watch
Man, I don’t want to be that guy but I can’t find the basic drum kit that comes with the BB… I downloaded the Cajon and Brushes from the forum and I use those…
I did a search on this forum for “standard drum kit”, “default drum kit” and “basic drum kit” and I searched “DRM” files on my own computer incase I can’t find them and I only come up with the drum kits I already have…
Can someone direct me to the basic / default / standard drum kit so I can install it on my computer…
Sorry again… I know this question has probably been asked 1000 times…
They are on the shipped SD card.
Just use Import Drumset for all the DRM files inside of DRUMSETS folder on your SD card (or SD Card Backup archive from the downloads page).
No, to be honest no one has ever asked how to install the default/standard drum kit as it comes on the SD card with the Beatbuddy, the SD card backup and even the single project file created by David Packhouz himself. Part of the instructions for installing the BB manager on your machine is to import the project from the pedal. If you don’t have the pedal then you can use the single project file which is posted somewhere on the forum. This is also described in the manager software manual - a link for which is in my signature.
EDIT… Found the online manual… OK… I got this… Don’t want to use up my “good will” with simple questions… LOL!!!
Man… Thanks for the info… but my pedal just arrived 10 minutes ago!!! I cannot tell you how soaked I am…
Question that I’m too excited to go look for the answer to… What folder on the BB do I upload my file to with all my content I created from the computer???
I created a “play list” folder… LOL, that didn’t work…
I can’t tell if this is still a question you have or if you still have the question o_O better just to delete the post to avoid confusion.
So the quick answer is - you need to use the manager software. It is unlikely you will be able to figure it out by yourself without the help of the manual/videos etc…
If I had been you I would have checked these out while waiting for the BB, then when it arrived you would have been able to get to grips with it straight away.