I have ordered the Aeros loop, but I don’t think I will be able to use it without buying more equipment. Can the guitar be plugged into the Aeros loop directly.
Sent from danieldube@rogers.com
I have ordered the Aeros loop, but I don’t think I will be able to use it without buying more equipment. Can the guitar be plugged into the Aeros loop directly.
Sent from danieldube@rogers.com
Yes, the guitar can be plugged into the Aeros looper directly.
Just be aware that there are no effects in the looper. So most of us have some sort of effects pedal between the guitar and Aeros input.
Effects before looper is standard (so you can record loops with different tones).
Looper before effects is good to dial in tones, set levels, and sometimes due ambient looping.
Thanks for the tip, but now I find that I have to plug it into the Amplifier. You can call me the basement player and I don’t have a mixer or PA system, audio interface but I have 3 Amps, 2 acoustic and 1 electric guitar amplifier. Any ideas or do I need to buy more equipment.
Depending on your guitar amp there may be a preamp out or a line out.
You may be able to go out from your guitar amp into Aeros.
Be careful as to not over power your line in on the Aeros.
Your 2 Acoustic amps use as your speaker system left and right out from Areos.
You could say record bass on left channel and it come out to your left amp speaker.
You could record say guitar right channel and have it come out your right aml speaker.
Then you could play your guitar amp along with your loops.
Bam 3 instruments playing in your basement out of 3 different amps.
Thanks for the helpful response, I will try it out and see if I can do it. I have to wait for a 5 pin midi cables, I just got the looper today without cables.
I answered over on the duplicate thread you made (which is frowned on on the forum moderators by the way).
Edit: That thread moved in here by mods (thanks). So see below.
How do you plug Aeros loop studio in the Amplifier (Marshall) and the BeatBuddy at the same time. I don’t have mixer or PA system
BeatBuddy has a stereo input that is simply mixed in and sent to output. You can use BeatBuddy volume as a rudimentary mixer.
However, I don’t think that will sound good into a guitar amp, it’s not designed for a drum input. Certainly not into the front-end. (My personal choice is HX Stomp for amp simulation and a pa for volume because it’s so flexible, a guitar amp just isn’t suited to anything other than guitar-only)
If a Marshall is really all you have, then I suggest
It’s still not ideal, even though BeatBuddy is bypassing the preamp, the power amp of a guitar amp is not a full range flat response amplifier. You’ll be getting a cut of, at best, 8kHz … Where a lot of drum sound exists. For home practices it’s gonna be perfectly usable, but I don’t think you could gig with it, your drums will sound like they’re playing through a wall.
Thanks for the valuable information, I have 2 acoustic amps, Marshall and Ibenez, however, it seems I will require more equipment to be able to get the best possible experience. The whole situation is entirely new for me and I have barely taken the Aeros loop out of the box which came yesterday without the extra midi cables. I look forward to testing the entire process with BB and Aeros soon, at this time I am gathering all of the how to hook up info. Thanks again for your help.
If any of your amps have aux input, your best bet is to get the BeatBuddy hooked up to that. This way you get the cleanest path for the drum sounds.
The same question, maybe some special adapter is needed there. I started playing acoustic guitar not so long ago, and so far, I’m not well versed in all this myself. So far, I have found all the information on the Carbon Guitars website; there are a lot of good articles on the guitar topic. If you suddenly find an answer to your question, I would be happy to read how this is all solved. I think that it’s still a matter of some adapter or apron; I hope that my tips will somehow help you solve this problem. So if someone knows any other good sources to find out information about guitars, I will be glad to listen to your advice