How many songs can fit on a 4GB SD Card?

How many songs can fit on a 4GB SD Card?

It depends on:

  • Type of songs, default, OPB, OPBk, or multi-part song with multi-instruments drum set
  • Number of drum sets installed (taking up ~100Mb per drum set)
  • Whether or not you delete default content and drum sets that you don’t use
    When I first started out, I kept all of the default content in my project and added hundreds of OPB songs and used 3 kits with bass; I never got close to filling my card. Now with many more kits and several folders each holding the limit of 99 songs, I went to a larger SD card.

If you’re going to continue working with just the default content, you’re probably in no need of a larger card any time soon. However, if you are gigging, you should have a second card as backup. The max size you can use on the pedal is 32Gb Class 10. If you go to 32Gb card, I doubt you’ll ever fill it.

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