Hey guys,
There are a couple of things I’d like to do with my drum kits. I’m currently use a rock drum and bass kit as well as an 808 drum and bass kit for my acoustic duo shows. I would like to extend the range of the bass so it can go to a low D and a couple notes higher then it currently goes so I can write in some high bass fills. I figure the best way to accomplish this would be to use the bass samples I have in Logic X and make them into wav files for me to use in the kit. I was wondering if anyone’s tryed this before, and if so what would be the best way to do this.
I Would also like to do the same thing with the 808 kit. I want to have different tones for the 808 kit so I can get as close to the sound of the record. Exp. I want to cover Drake’s “In My Feelings” but I want to bass and drums to sound as close to the record as possible, so I would buy a premium drum packege in Logic X and make the wav files from those samples. Think this would work?
Hope this was detailed enough. Let me know your thought.