How to select songs from Memory Card to import into Beat Buddy Manager

Really please with the Complete-Collection 2021
have downloaded and unzipped to a Flash Card type 10.

Can any one help give guidance on the this issue:
Here’s the steps I’m working through:

When I go into Beat Buddy Manager to select Songs
[2] create my own Song Folder for a set list
[3] select File-> Import → Song
[4[ Then navigate to my Flash Card containing Complete-Collection 2021
[5] Then select the Songs folder
[6] all I can see is Folders and File Names as code numbers.

My question is:
I want to select songs with real names I can understand.
As can be seen on The Beat Buddy Screen

For example Folder
62 Jazz Beats Collection PT1
Song 1 Jazz1-just ride

I want to get Songs and Folders from the collection
to import into Beat Buddy Manager.

Any help greatly appreciated.
“Remember…Drummers may come and go but, your BeatBuddy is for Life.”


Every One this is a “Dooh ! moment.”

I needed to create a new project for the SD Card.
All the file names are there now to copy and create set lists etc.

Sorry for any one trying to decode what I was going on about.

Great Forum.
Andy Ray

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lol i was just about to tell you how to decipher that format, and where you could get a cheat sheat… is all