Hi fellows,
I really hope someone knows the answer on my question in the title:
How to sync - one way or the other - Logic Pro with the combination of Aeros-BeatBuddy-Midi Maestro?
Suggestions are welcome too.
How to sync - one way or the other - Logic Pro with the combination of Aeros-BeatBuddy-Midi Maestro?
There are practically endless possibilities. It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
As an example: You could use Midi Maestro to trigger events and/or notes on Aeros, BeatBuddy and/or Logic. And/or you can use Logic to trigger midi events on the other devices. If you want to control each device individually, each one will need to listen on a separate midi channel. But, in the end, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
Thanks for your reaction. Maybe I see it wrong… But when I use Midi Maestro to trigger Logic, I have to use its midi-out. In that case I cannot use this midi-out to trigger BeatBuddy and Aeros…
I hope I’m wrong!
I think the simplest option is to chain midi devices, going from Midi Maestro into Logic, Logic into Beat Buddy, Beat Buddy into Aeros. Logic will pass midi through to down-chain devices like most other midi devices.