How to Sync to rc500 while rc500's rhythm always on but not beatbuddy?

Hello everyone, I recently use rc500 as sync master to sync with beatbuddy, what I want to do is to use rc500 as looper and metronome all the time (so that I can loop sync in tempo), But some songs doesn’t have drums in verse or in first verse and chorus. But I need metronome in my monitor

but when synced with rc500, as soon as rc500’s rhythm on, beatbuddy will start at once, I don’t know if there is settings to turn this off, anybody can help? Looking forward to your reply, Thank u!

I’d say the easiest solution would be to add a silent part to BB and no intro. This way BB will start the “beat” but only if you launch a fill or go with a transition to second part there is sound :thinking:

The downside of this is that it’s hard to do a song structure like ABABAB using this method :sweat_smile: It’s possible but you might need to create six song parts etc :face_with_peeking_eye:

Another solution could be that you go immediately to mute pause mode :thinking: Downside of this is that the beat will go on as long until you manage to pause BB (you also need external footswitch for this). This could be just one beat or a full bar, depends a lot what else you need to do :sweat_smile:

About settings I’m not sure as I don’t sync my BB with other devices so haven’t paid attention to that :thinking::face_with_peeking_eye:

You have the option (BB manual page 40):

Start​ - When enabled, the BeatBuddy starts playing upon receiving theMIDI command from an external device. If disabled BeatBuddy ignores allStart commands it receives.• Enable*/Disable

But if you disable that then I think only the tempo is synced so you need to be very precise when you start the beat :thinking: But worth the try I guess :blush:

Thank u so much! Well I did think of this solution(add a silent part to BB and no intro), Maybe it would be the best solution in my opinion right now, though it’s a little bit troublesome. I need to duplicate all tracks with a silent part. That’s a big project
anyway, thank u very much~

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