How to use Beatbuddy manager

Hello. I just got my used BB and need to be directed to step by step instructions on how to use it
A used SD card came with it with stuff on it.
1: I assume for starters that I must take the SD card out of the BB and insert into computer
2: Is it best to wipe the card or can I add to it


I realize you’re probably anxious to get things rolling however, you’ll really benefit by learning some of the fundamentals of using the pedal and software. Besides, “we don’t need no stinkin’ manual”, right? :sweat_smile:

Start with the BeatBuddy (BB) Manual
Follow that by reading the BBMO Manual
Don’t wipe or reformat your SD card as you’ll be really unhappy if it contains any Premium content.
Put the card in your computer slot reader and scan it with your antivirus utility.
If it’s clear, copy the contents of the SD card into a new folder on your desktop.
This will become the location of your BeatBuddy project.
Open the project using the BBMO and check out the drum sets and beats and songs in the folders.
If you like the content, consider buying another SD card and copy the default content to it.

Reach out to if you need more help or feel free to post your questions to the forum.

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Thank you greatly for your reply. I was stuck on the first step, but you got me started.

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