Hydrogen Drum sequencer midi files

I’m having issues with the Hydrogen software midi files I create. Every time I try to add them to my BBManager, the don’t show up. Just shows as blank. Is it because I don’t have the beat buddy plugged in? I use a Mac if that helps.

Is it the MIDI notes that don’t show up in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or the MIDI files?

It could be that your MIDI files aren’t mapped to correspond with the Drum General MIDI that the BBM expects.

Make sure your MIDI files use .mid and not .midi extensions.

If your MIDI drum notes are mapped according to BBM standards, it should work. You don’t need to connect your pedal to your computer for the BBM to play your beats.

I don’t know how to do that.

“Make sure your MIDI files use .mid and not .midi extensions.”

I did that, neither works

“If your MIDI drum notes are mapped according to BBM standards, it should work. You don’t need to connect your pedal to your computer for the BBM to play your beats.”

I don’t know how to do that, Can that be explained to me like a 5 year old with special needs?

Thank You

Please provide a screen shot of what your BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) MIDI Editor is displaying. If you don’t know how to open the BBM MIDI Editor, perhaps reading the user manual and quick start guide can help: resources

Please zip and attach your MIDI file that you are unable to add to the BBM so that we can try and figure out what’s going on.

Sorry, I’m only a 4-year old and not quite as advanced as a 5-year old so I need the visuals that can only come from your screen shot and attached MIDI file :crazy_face:

Out of sheer curiosity and boredom, I downloaded Hydrogen to see what you were having trouble with and I think I figured out your problem.

At the risk of insulting your intelligence, Dick is going to help Jane (remember, you asked for it). :joy:

You really need to read the user quick start guide which is one of the links I posted above.

  1. Launch the BeatBuddy Manager (BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) )
  2. Create a new song (SS 1)
  3. Add a drum set; any one will do but I used SUB-Standard Pro Plain
  4. Export your file to MIDI from Hydrogen to your desktop
  5. In the BBM, click on Main Loop and it should open the Finder (SS 2)
  6. Navigate to your desktop (SS 3)
  7. Select your exported MIDI—I kept mine simple “Untitled Song.mid”
  8. Click Open and once the MIDI file is added, your BBM should appear as (SS 4)
  9. Play your song and it should play
  10. Open the BBM MIDI Editor by hovering over the Main Loop you just added and hold the control key while clicking the file; a contextual menu is displayed—select Edit (SS 5)and the MIDI Editor window should be displayed.
  11. Notice the instrument that’s Not Supported in red text? (SS 6) That’s a drum instrument (Tom) that’s not mapped to the BBM; in Hydrogen you’ll have to move those notes from Floor Tom to Tom 2 and re-export to MIDI and then add to the BBM. Now all your notes should be mapped.

SS 2

See this post for a correctly midi mapped BeatBuddy drum kit for Hydrogen.