A really cool classic. This song has a lot of changes in timing to match the stop beats, so I’ve tried to make it as simple to play as possible by incorporating it all into transition fills. I’ve added a Finger Snap sound to this one so I’ve attached the .wav sample. I added it as Midi #88.
The first transition fill is 4 bars long so you have to hold it for a while to get the full sound. The second transition fill is 2 bars. Have fun with it!
After not playing this one in a while, I actually found it tough to figure out how I arrange it. If anyone needs the instructions, please let me know and I’ll post them.
.I do Drivin my life away,so I tried it, but,apparently I’m not that ‘up’ on the tune to figure it out .
Here you go…
Loop 1 (Verse 1) -->Transition (1 Bar)
Loop 2 (Verse 2) → Transition (Hold it for 4 Bars)on the word “Showers wash…”
Loop 3 (Chorus) → Transition (2 Bars) on the first “Oooh” at the end of the chorus
Back to Loop 1 (Verse 4) -->Transition (1 Bar)
Loop 2 (Verse 5) → Transition (Hold it for 4 Bars)on the word “Puts a song…”
Loop 3 (Chorus) → Fill on the first “Oooh” at the end of the chorus
Fill on the word “Showers wash…”
And then just use fills until the end.
Hope that helps!
I’m slow on the take sometimes, What and how do I use the finger snap?
I was asked to post this again. I’ve added Finger Snaps .wav file to the brushes kit in Midi #88 (also included is the Tambourine and Handclaps midi) I’ve included the wav file of the finger snaps if you need it. I’ve also included a PDF of the lyrics, chords, and BB notations I use. Have fun with it!
Beatbuddy Notes/Symbols Legend:
Blue Triangle (play button) = Start/Fill In
Blue square with number = Transition Fill (number represents number of bars to hold the transition fill)
Red “O” = Outro
I Love a Rainy Night.zip (56.7 KB)