I need a Cha Cha

but not like the included Latin 2/3 beat one, with all the percussion sounds. Trying to get a beat for Martin’s Sway. Need a more ballroom sound.

While I am asking, I also need a beat for Kick in the Head.


Is a One Press ok? Buble’s Sway is available as a midi, and there are several Ain’t That a Kick in the Head midis.

thank you. Would you please tell me where the midi files are located?

Google, for example, Martin Sway midi.

You’ll find several sites that link you to free midi or pay midi service. Sway is also know as Quien Sera. This is from one of the free sites:

Dean_Martin_Quien_Sera_Sway.mid.zip (13.2 KB)

To use a midi like this, open it in a DAW like Logic, Cubase, Audacity, etc. To make a drums only versions. Export just the drums tracks, and you should have something that works on BB. It could be more complicated than that, but that’s the general idea. You may need to edit or adjust for drums notes that are not in the drum kit you wish to use.

Immensely helpful and interesting. Would you please explain the Export concept; from the .mid file to end up with a .sng?

I’m still wrapping my head around the process as I wanted a beat box, but find the BB to be so much more - hence the learning about midi manipulation.

Thank you

I’ll post a little tutorial for you tomorrow. Are you Mac or PC?

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many thanks!