Edits: Some re-thinking… For the majority of us G is a better key and a stretch at that so there is only one now. The 2nd interlude went nowhere so I duplicated and inserted the 1st between the 3rd verse and the repeated chorus outro.
17Jan22: Tweaks needed going from the DAW original to BB MIDI…added a version with the snare audibly driving the beat from the beginning. Otherwise no changes in the original zip download.
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.zip (77.3 KB)
Still_Haven’t_Found_G_17Jan_rev.sng (43.7 KB)
Otherwise as before: I crafted a hybrid piano part (Edge wasn’t available) and used my favorite San Antonio horns kit (aka Phil Flood’s STAX Sax and Acoustic piano).
Cheat sheet follows (mostly) YouTube versions and is a single page - follow the colors.
- MIDI map for STAX Sax and Acoustic piano
- Song file (.sng in G)
- MIDI file
- Cheat sheet