Import MIDI changes note numbers

Tried several MIDI imports, where the file i am using is correct (i.e. plays fine in my DAW using Reaper)
often the Kick drum #36 ends up somewhere else once i import it and load it into BB. Few other instruments do the same. While some come across perfect.
Export out of DAW is set to Type 0
Through trial and error, i can usually correct them in BB using the MOVE option in editor.

Is there something else i should be doing over on DAW, or…somewhere?

I do see the same thing in the BB manager, if I make a new intro by exporting a piece as midi and load it as intro, sometimes the snare has moved up one place and also the cymbal is doing the same thing sometimes. I have to move them back one place to get the original sound back. I wonder what would be causing this.

This is a known issue in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM): when using the BBM MIDI Editor, the MIDI file appears to be in other locations, e.g., 36 appears as 37.

My workaround for MIDI notes that display as out of place is to

  • press Cancel when the MIDI Editor window is open and then
  • Edit . . . to open the MIDI Editor again; the notes will then usually appear in the correct locations. The exception to this workaround might be when the MIDI file contains Not supported notes.

Probably best not to move the MIDI notes that appear out of location but to just apply my workaround to see if that corrects the appearance. If Not supported notes are indicated, those should be corrected in a DAW.

Ok, thanks for this workaround, I will try it.

I understand your procedure with the opening of the editor. I’ll give that a try.

And usually, i get the Not Supported notes. Since they are correct in the original DAW program, don’t see how you can go “back” and correct them. THe DAW notes match the GM standard MIDI format. But seem to drift when loaded into BB. To me that seems like an internal BB editor import issue.

However… i do appricate your response and your work around. Thanks.

To expand on my observations (which are purely “seat of my pants”) is that the likelihood of mal-positioned notes increases when the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) encounters Not supported notes in the MIDI file. The inverse is probably true too: the likelihood of mal-positioning decreases (but may not be entirely eliminated) when the BBM does not run into Not supported notes.

You reduce the risk of not having mal-positioned notes when the notes in your MIDI file match the notes that are in the kit you are using in the BBM. I hope this example illustrates the issue just a little better:
Screen shot 0 shows at least 2 MIDI notes that most kits will not support F1 (41) and B1 (47)
Screen shot 1 shows how the BBM MIDI Editor displays (as a result of using 41 and 47; see how 35 appears as 36 and 38 displays as 39?)

In screen shot 2, I applied the workaround, which was to Cancel the MIDI Editor and then re-opened. Now 35 and 38 show up where they belong but the Not supported notes are still displayed

In this last screen shot, I’ve gone back to my DAW and moved only the Not supported notes to fit the configuration of the kit (added 2 semitones to F1 and lowered B1 by two semitones). Usually on the first try—but not always—when opening the MIDI Editor with the corrected notes, it will display everything correctly.

This may have just restated the obvious for you, however, it may serve to help other users just dipping their toes into transcribing MIDI source files into useable beats or songs for the BeatBuddy (BB).

Also see How do I go about building my own beats from midi files online

I think i understand what you’r saying. Although I don’t see any 35,36 etc numbers in your screen shots. But…i get the drift of what you saying.
Brings up maybe the next piece of the puzzle. How do i see, what notes are supported in a drum kit? I have only the standard supplied kits, no purchased ones. I could then, i guess, move notes within my DAW accordingly.

Click on the images to expand them and you will see the drum note MIDI ID numbers for the lower parts of the screen shots.

To see which drum instruments are in a drum set, you use the MIDI Editor in the BBM. To open the MIDI Editor, ctrl-click (or depending on your computer right-click mouse or hold-click your trackpad).

I will post some annotated screen shots in the morning for the default (non-premium) drum sets to help.

Have been using the editor ( such as it is LOL) Just not finding anything that lets me see the Drums info. Again…thanks for your time

Here’s a screen shot of the MIDI Editor for the Standard kit and it shows both the drum instruments and the MIDI note ID #s.

If you wanted to see how each of those drum instruments is configured, you open the Drumset Maker by clicking on the Drum Sets tab beneath the Project Explorer; scrolling through the list of drum sets until you find the one you want to open and then double-clicking on it.

If you are trying to figure out the musical notes (B0, C1, etc) you won’t find them in either the MIDI Editor or the Drum set Maker.

Thanks, that helps me see things better.