Imported Track Breaks Sync rules

I’m getting “Imported Track Breaks Sync Rules” when importing a 3rd part. It imports it but adds silence to the end. 1st part is 4 bars (125BPM), 2nd part is 4 bars (125BPM), 3rd part is 16 bars (125BPM). Set to Quantized and Start and Length. Is there a different way I should be doing this? I could maybe make things equal bars, but that isn’t going to work out all the time. I want to be able to add new live recorded tracks to each part over the backing track saved on the part. The saved parts are Bass parts. Song is saved at a tempo of 125 which is exactly the tempo being exported from Logic.

I had the same problem with quantize set to ‘auto’. After setting it to quantized and set the proper bpm in the parts menu beforehand it worked like a charm. But my tracks were the same lengh. Alternatively, have you tried to import the tracks with quantize Mode set to freeform yet?

Hey there,

This will likely be fixed in an upcoming update 5.2.1 to the 5.2.0 release, this seems to be the same bug we found ourselves. Some specific use cases seem to cause issues.

Thank you for reporting!
