Intermittent LOUD Popping Noises when switching between song parts

I recently got a new Aeros Loop Studio with the Gold switches/buttons, but have encountered the following problems:

  1. It makes an intermittent LOUD popping noise when it changes from one song part to another. (Scares the crap out me and probably will blow out my speaker and/or eardrums. Yes, it’s that loud.). This is, by far, the most serious problem listed here.

  2. There’s a strange noise artifact (a little blip, if you will) that can be heard at a loop seam, where the end and the beginning of the loop connect. Makes the pedal unusable for anything quiet you’re trying to play. You can really hear it when the loop fades at the end of a “song”. Seems Aeros has problems at their loop seams. I’m running firmware version 5.2.1.

  3. Running in 2x2 song mode: Occasionally, a track gets deleted for no good reason, but the overdub on the track is still heard! The waveform is still rendered on the screen, however. Seems to be related to the following workflow: Record a track on the first song-part, then add an overdub. Then record a new track on a second song-part. Then switch back to the first song-part but now, one can only hear the overdub from the first track!! The main track on the first song-part has been corrupted or suppressed somehow. What a drag!!

I just picked up one of these and it has so much potential, but these problems make it entirely unusable. I’ve read on the support forums here that Point 2 above is supposed to be fixed with the most recent firmware update, but it’s definitely not fixed for me and I have the latest and greatest firmware update which I believe is v5.2.1.

I also read that Points 2 and 3 might be related to running an external MIDI clock with the Aeros, which is what I’m doing, but I still haven’t found any definitive answers.

I’m using a Disaster Area Designs SMARTClock (v3) pedal as the master. It’s connected to the Aeros via a 5-pin MIDI cable. The Aeros then sends the MIDI signal to a Strymon Timeline Delay. I need my loop and delay times in sync with each other.

Thanks for your help.


Gabriel Perry

Hi Gabriel,

I see that you reached out via email ( Let’s continue the conversation there!

Was there any resolution to this issue? I am having this intermittently with my aeros also

Which issue, skw? I posted 3 above.

And, no, no resolution on any of them.