internal Parsing error with version 13.3

any help with this. This is the error I receive when I attempt to import a song

You need to specify a song you are trying to import.

it happens to every song I try. It can be a beat that someone has on here or if I just try to import a beat already on the standard list that comes with the pedal
happens with this one
happens with this one

beatles65, this issue is really strange…

Try reinstalling BBManager, this definitely should not be the case. Are you sure, that when you select Tools > About it shows Version 1.3.3?
Version 1.3.3 definitely imports files successfully.

Even my old version 1.2.8 loads that song.

I will reinstall and try again

why is there not a number for support !!! I need a human being to speak to !!!

You make it sound like you were previously talking to some magically appearing letters on the forum and not a human :slight_smile:
You can try

LOL sorry I didn’t mean to offend you, I was just getting frustrated. Thank you for all your help. I think I got this licked now !

You are welcome!
No offense taken, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any other questions :slight_smile: