January 4, 2025, 6:03am
Depending on which drumset is used with a beat or song, the volume can vary. Is there an easy way to compensate for this? Raise or lower the overall volume as desired?
January 4, 2025, 6:58pm
There are feature requests for that:
Just curious if the “Master techs” in the BB laboratory might consider applying an individual volume control setting for each song on the BB Pedal or BB Manager that could be set and saved prior to gigging.I have downloaded a few songs and found the volumes to be quite different from one to the other and as a result I need to physically either turn the volume up or down. Naturally these are songs that I have downloaded from other users. Any thoughts?
Originally discussed over here: Volume Across Songs - #9 by aapo
So similar to drum set per song and tempo per song the volume could have per song value, but from settings one could disable this feature and global volume would be used (like with drum set and tempo)
And discussions:
Is there a way to set the same volume across all songs?
I have 25 songs and some are different volumes. Im trying to avoid bending over during a set to lower or raise the volume of my pedal.
Thank All
Perhaps also others. Didn’t do a search
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January 5, 2025, 1:22am
Good to know others want this ability as well. Thanks, @aapo .
January 15, 2025, 1:16am
Using my MIDI controller keyboard for calling up BB songs, I started using CC108 to set BB’s initial volume. This works well because it lets me tweak BB volume as needed depending on the song.
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