Is the SD Card and FreeForm mode currently functioning as advertised in your Specs & on Sweetwater site?

Is the SD Card and FreeForm mode currently functioning as advertised in your Specs and on Sweetwater site? Can you currently save loops and reload loops from SD card? Is the FreeForm mode functioning? Very interested in this looper but not if it’s not functioning as advertised.

Freeform and sd card function are enabled with the beta version of the firmware available in the “docs & downloads” section of this forum.

Hoping they make it an official releases soon.

booneroo Thank You for the reply! I would want SD Card and FreeForm mode functioning solid without quirks in a release before I’d purchased the Aeros. It looks really promising if it could deliver on how it’s spec’s are advertised, but at this point it’s unfinished as advertised. Not interested in Beta testing a product I pay for. So will have to wait an see.