That’s the question: is there a MIDI command to start on the 2nd part (or 3rd part or whichever)?
Seems like you can do that with MIDI Maestro but I don’t have one of those. Thanks.
I tried that, I think. CC113. I’ll give it another shot. I want to cue up a song to start on the 2nd part so I can start it when I’m ready. I’m not sure this command was intended to work like that.
Why wouldn’t you just make the second part the first part?
I could. I’m just exploring the MIDI option, if there were one. Like I said, I think the MIDI Maestro let’s you do that, so I figured there must be a command for it.
Basically, I want to be able to sit at my keyboard which is the MIDI controller, and issue commands and have BB do what I need. If I can avoid having to edit a song/beat on my computer, that will make the workflow quicker and save me time. That’s where I’m coming from.
If the two CC113 commands don’t work from stopped state then you could try the following:
- Start
- Pause
- CC113 with the part number
- CC113 with zero value
Note that midi maestro uses exactly the same midi commands that other devices can use
Hint: You can find out the midi commands the midi Maestro is using with the midi Maestro app
Thanks for those ideas. I’ll check into them tomorrow.