Is there a MIDI command to start on the 2nd part (or 3rd or whichever)?

That’s the question: is there a MIDI command to start on the 2nd part (or 3rd part or whichever)?
Seems like you can do that with MIDI Maestro but I don’t have one of those. Thanks.

Yes, using CC113. See attached.

I tried that, I think. CC113. I’ll give it another shot. I want to cue up a song to start on the 2nd part so I can start it when I’m ready. I’m not sure this command was intended to work like that.

Why wouldn’t you just make the second part the first part?

I could. I’m just exploring the MIDI option, if there were one. Like I said, I think the MIDI Maestro let’s you do that, so I figured there must be a command for it.

Basically, I want to be able to sit at my keyboard which is the MIDI controller, and issue commands and have BB do what I need. If I can avoid having to edit a song/beat on my computer, that will make the workflow quicker and save me time. That’s where I’m coming from. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If the two CC113 commands don’t work from stopped state then you could try the following:

  1. Start
  2. Pause
  3. CC113 with the part number
  4. CC113 with zero value

Note that midi maestro uses exactly the same midi commands that other devices can use :relieved:

Hint: You can find out the midi commands the midi Maestro is using with the midi Maestro app :wink:

Thanks for those ideas. I’ll check into them tomorrow.