Is there an ability with the Aeros to route loops separately for individual mix control?

I was on a gig today, performing with a drummer and he had requested that he wished he could get a separate signal of a looped rhythm track that he could control the volume on. So when I solo, the rhythm track does not get lost in the sound of the solo, making it harder to keep time with the loop. I wasn’t sure if this was already an option, but does anyone know if the Aeros can accommodate something like this? Thanks in advance.

Hey there, yes, in the Global Settings Menu you can choose where the Loop Playback signal is sent, you can send it to the Main Outputs, the Aux output, or both.
I would send that to his mixer or headphone amp so he can adjust the volume on that signal.

Does this answer your question?

Yes, this is just what I needed to hear. Thank you!

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Awesome, you’re very welcome!

Would you suggest I use a TRS to XLR cable?

The Aeros is completely unbalanced so just use a TS cable unless you are running more than 20-25 feet you shouldn’t have a problem. Otherwise you could use a DI box/small mixer from your spot on stage to your drummer.

We would suggest mixer for use of line in ports, all Aeros outs are Lo Z, and using them with a DI can cause volume mismatches. Lo z > Hi z loses some signal and DI XLR out is notorious for lowering by several dB on its way to Mixer at mic level. The main issue here is all dB lost mean dB added to noise floor to hear at the same level. We would suggest as direct a connection from Aeros to mixer or speaker as possible to have best results.
Unbalanced 1/4” TS to XLR should be just fine just like mentioned above 20-25 ft or you risk hearing serious (if not more interference).