Sure - DOP, OPB, OPK, OPBk - these are different versions of the same arrangement depending upon what your needs are.
DOP - drums one press - this is a drums only version
OPB - One Press with Bass - this has just drums and bass. These are the preferred arrangements for many acoustic guitar players.
OPK - One Press with Keyboard. This will have drums and a keyboard part, but no bass.
OPBk -One Press with Bass and keys. This has all three parts, drums, bass and keys.
In the song write up, I state what drum kit is needed to hear the song as I developed it. For Better Change, it is NP Electric Jazz Trio 3.
The drumkit is at this link, found in the Resources section. If there are ever problems finding a drum kit that I uploaded, just shoot me a message. I have all my kits backed up.
So what you are gonna do, is download the drum kit from the link. It is a zip file, Just double click on it to expand it. Once expanded, it will be a .drm file. From Beat Buddy Manager, go to File>Import>Drumset, and navigate to the drum set you just unzipped.
Next Click on Drum Sets in the list window in the left side of BB Manager:
You will see your installed drumsets.
Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and the drum set you just installed should be there. Click the check box in front of the drum set’s name to make it active.
If you have already downloaded the song, it is also a zip file, so you will need to double click it, to expand it, too. Inside the folder that unzips, you will see each of the .Sng files for the various versions, as well as the midi parts contained in the .sng files. The midi parts are provided for those who want to do their own editing. The zip also contains chords and lyrics in plain text and in pdf. I include a plain text version for those who use OnSong.
Pick a folder to add the song to, and select the version of the song that you want to try. Again, you will do this from Beat Buddy Manager, File>Import>Song. If you already installed the recommended drumkit, the song should have the drum kit selected, and there should NOT be an asterisk in from of the drumkit name. If the asterisk is there, you will need to select the kit from the drum kit drop down list with the songs’s header.
It should look like this. At that point you can play the song using the virtual pedal, or you can synchronize or export your project to the SD card to play the song from the pedal.