List of songs for Groove Monkee Premium Library

I just bought and downloaded the groove monkey premium library from singular sound site and wondering where I might locate matched song’s from within the GM premium library? Seems the Song Matching tool only references default and premium librarys, and not sure where I’d find those matched beats inside the GM Premium Library. Was the Singular Sound Premium Library ported to Groove Monkey? And where might anyone find a matched beat inside the GM Premium Library as the GM Beats are not named the same.

Hi mmelore,

The Singular Sound Premium Library has been removed due to a licensing agreement. It is no longer available for purchase and is not accessible on the Song Matching Tool. You can explore the list of content for Groove Monkee here: Groove Monkee Content

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

Thank you!

I just looked at the content for the Groove Monkey. It seems there are no longer songs, just generic kits. Will the old Premium Library songs migrate to the BB forum song list or are they lost to antiquity? I have no use for what I saw in the GM content. Good thing I already purchased the kits I needed from the Library.
Tom Stoltz
in Maine

Hi Tom,

Our team is constantly working on the new premium library, but I don’t yet have the list of songs that it will include. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

Daniel, I just looked at the website where BB content used to reside. I do see the GM MIDI content, but it appears the Drum Set content has been removed along with the SS MIDI beats. Will the Drum Sets be returning that were there before or something new for drum sets?

In another post you had mentioned the old Premium content was removed due to licensing issues. Does this licensing issue in any way affect the use of the content such as playing in a public venue or selling of music created with Premium SS beats? Was the licensing issue due to the beats having names specific to artists or bands or is it a licensing/copyright issue with the original creator of the content (who may have parted ways with SS)?

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Hi Mark,

I don’t have specific information about the upcoming premium library release, but you can subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!

The licensing issue doesn’t affect playing in a public venue or selling music created with Premium SS beats.

If you have further questions, feel free to reach out.