"Little Wing" cover - a tribute for my kid's late grandpa

Without the help of BB and the contribution of the “Little Wing” .sng file from the gentleman who shared it here, with no drummer to help us, it’d be quite not easy to do this “Little Wing” cover my kid picked as the lyrics is meaningful, and she said she wanted to learn and play this song to remember the departure of her late grandpa (my late dad) who went to “walk through the clouds” exactly 18 months ago. He didn’t speak English and but now he is up there, he should be able to tell and know why we chose and played this song for him.

Hope you like this video clip prepared by probably one of the youngest users of BB and member of this forum.

Ray :wink:


Love it! One of the best songs of all time, she’s ripping it! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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