Live Performance Changing Songs

I recently sold my Pigtronix infinity 3 for an Aeros. While I wait for it to arrive I rented a Sheeran plus looper. The first song I looped was fine and worked as expected. When I went to the next song and sent the midi command to change the beat on Beatbuddy and then supposedly the looper I quickly realized the looper wasn’t keeping up.

The looper was stuck on the original loop settings making it unusable for the rest of the set. Loops were too short or didn’t sync properly even though I could see the tempo was being read right. The sound was even still correct (if this happened with the infinity looper the loop would be slowed and detuned or the opposite)

Is this a thing with the aeros? Or, do the settings change with the different beats and songs commands sents?

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out!

You can set up the Aeros to recall specific songs, so if you want to always play a certain song with a specific beat, that is programmable. If you need assistance with it, please send us an email at

The BeatBuddy and the Aeros sync as expected, but if you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out via email.