Loading new firmware from a Mac

Are there any Mac users out there who have downloaded the new firmware? Please share how you did it. I did try a card reader.

There are definitely posts about this on our forum.

If you use the search function, you can easily find an answer for your question, as well as learn many new and interesting things about the pedal! :slight_smile:

After studying the instructions a little more ,I realized (with the help of our BB Tech. Support) where the files are dragged to on a Mac. When a card reader, with the SD card inserted, is connected to a Mac, a “No Name” icon appears on the desktop.It represents the SD card. As for the files, I tried dragging the ones with Drum kits, Effects to it. Those are the WRONG FILES!!!
The actual files are the cryptic ones on the other page. Once I dragged those one by one to the NN icon, all was well. Naturally, I ejected the NN icon before unplugging the Card Reader. The improvements contained in the firmware are much appreciated!!