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Just got my Beat Buddy and decided to buy some individual songs from the site to help speed up my learning process. After i downloaded them to my computer, how do i get them onto the BB sd card? I looked at the tutorial and it looks like I need to get another blank sd card and a reader for my computer ( no sd slot). Is there no easier way to do this? I dont have a lot of computer experience and zero BB experience .

If you have not read the user quick start guide, that would be your starting point.

You need to use the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) to transfer your content to your SD card. If you have not downloaded the software and installed it, that would be your next step.

Ive done that
I used it to update the firmware, played around with it a little, then decided to download some premium content
Now i have to figure out how to get the content unto my sd card.

Usually the content comes with instructions on how to upload to the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) and use the BBM File - Export - Project to SD card or Synchronize.

There are lots of tutorials available on Youtube and from Singular Sound.

Maybe it’s time to contact Support, support@singularsound.com for some help.

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I found a video that helped, so i got it figured out. Its easy once you know!

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