If you want to try working through this on the phone, start a conversation with me, and we can set up a time.
Could anyone please do an OPB for this song and post in the Resources? I haven’t gotten very efficient at manipulating these files yet. About the only thing I’ve been able to do quickly is change keys once somebody else makes the necessary changes for it to play correctly on the BB. Having trouble getting the drums right on this file.
Sure. I’ll upload it shortly.
Come Monday should be a pretty simple beat-I’m thinking Blues 2 would work well for it. Maybe switch the kit to Brushes. A quick resource for song tempo I found was SongBPM.com. I have yet to find a song it didn’t have on file. Type the artist name and song, and whamo-you’ve got your BPM. Look up Come Monday, plug that BPM in with the song and kit above and see if it passes. That song is on my list to find a BB song for, just haven’t gotten to it yet.
Have you made a new folder in your BB Manager yet? I’d recommend it. If you follow Singular Sound’s video tutorial to do that, you should have no problem. From there, you can copy a song from the regular folders into the new folder and change the default tempo, kit, etc. If you find that song doesn’t need the intro our outro, you can remove them.
Jase and Raymond:
Uploaded Come Monday to Resources; Raymond, I used a different midi source file.
Thanks a bunch, persist! I think the drums in the file I posted get into the bass range which is why I probably had trouble with it. Oh well, just like music… practice, practice, practice right? Thanks again
Thanks, Mark! Yeah I actually found several beats that would work but I think I’ve gotten spoiled on the w/bass songs. :rolleyes:
I actually know how to strip out all but the bass and drums on midi files I find on the internet (albeit slowly), but many times I get in over my head if I have to do too much manipulation for them play correctly on the BB.
As far as your other suggestion, believe me, the school of hard knocks already forced me to get organized!
Thanks again guys!