Looking for Pandeiro drum set with choro and forro beat

I found the beatbuddy really interesting but not already bought since I don’t find the kind of drums for the music I am playing.

I am looking for a realistic pandeiro drum sets with all the possibilities of this instrument and the application to brazilian music (choro, baio, samba, xote, maxixe, bossa nova, forro …)

Do you have such a library or do you intend to develop such one (and when will it be available) ?

Thanks for your answer

Hi, Im a brazilian musician and im working to create pandeiro beats and drum kit for Brazilian rhythms… I founded some Pandeiro free samplers on internet and already created some samba and choro beats! Do you have facebook?

Click on the Resources tab at the top of the page. It continues to grow and while it may not have what you’re looking for yet, others (maybe maartan?) can upload whatever beats they create.

Is possible to create many beats and deum kits… And export this to pedal!

Hello Martann
Thanks for your answer.
Yes I have got Facebook (see private conversation)
Do you have any link for choro beats and realistic pandeiro drum sets compatible with beatbuddy ?
That would be a very usefull help :wink:

Hello Joga8
You can downloads in this links


I hope you like

Thanks Martann for this great job!

The drums sets sounds really realistic and the beat is a genuine samba choro pattern with a variation in the last loop.
Is it possible to avoid the cymbals for transition ? Perhaps it is a parameter on the beatbuddy but I am a beginner.

If you have some time to improve this samba choro pattern, you could create a whole collectiion with all the choro and forro patterns.
That collection could have transition and variation with only choro instruments - you could have different songs according the type of percussion you use (only pandeiro, pandeiro+tambourim, pandeiro+ganza, pandeiro+zazumba, …)
That could be great but however thanks for this first pattern which is already very helpfull !


Hi Joel,

I already to created a Samba de Raiz beats and I realy want to create more beats and increase the drum Kit with more and better sounds this beat is only a sample, I need create more variations and fills…
About your question, Is very easy you to delete cymbal sound! You can open fill midi file in a DAW software and delete cymbal track after this changes save and open the new fill midi file in BBM software and save! If you prefer only load drum kit in BBM and click in cymbals settings decrease volume to Zero and save, but This way the cymbals sounds will be off for the Kit!

Hi Martann

Thanks for the tips.
I am looking forward to hearing your new beats … keep us informed
I have send you a private message with some test records with your pandeiro choro-samba loops


Cool, I listened your song Nice song!


I think this post is quite old now. I, too, am looking for percussion for chorus. I play the accordion. I tried downloading the links above, but have not had any luck. I did manage to get the “samba_e_choro.sng”, but it is using a drum kit called, “EZ Americana”, which I don’t have and I don’t know what it is made up of. If you’re still following this thread, I’d sure appreciate some guidance! Thanks! Judy