Looking to find drum kits that are used for many forum songs

I have downloaded all of Phil’s 29 drum kits (thx Phil!) and I’ve been using them for many songs but there are still many regularly used drum kits that I don’t have. I have bought some of BB premium kits as well but they don’t have base.

Can anyone PLEASE recommend a drum kit that I can replace the drum kit that the OPB song file has that shows an *? I have tried kits that have I have that have a similar or somewhat similar name but they don’t sound good or strange sounds like whistles etc. are in it.

If you have answers/recommendations to any of these would you also direct me to where I can find and download it please? I’m going nuts cause I cannot play with a lot of my favourite songs. All of these have an * in front of them on my BB Mgr:
Rock with Bass
Mod SuperBassG
Mod Standard Pro Bass
NP Ludwig Bass
Vintage Ludwig Bass
STAX Piano 4 Part
STAX Honky Tonk Guitar
NP Standard Bass
NP Standard Bass with Strings
NP Standard Bass with Rhodes
NP Standar Bass Piano
NP P-Bass and BETT (? Can’t read the full extension)
NP SuperbassG
NP E-Piano & 4001 Bass CXRp
NP Electric Jazz Trio 3XRp
NP P-Bass and Hammond 2 XLR
NP TMB Bass and Organ

Any help would really be appreciated.


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I’ve annotated besides the kit names you posted which are equivalent or nearly so. Many of these kits are Phil Floods and I’ve placed an asterisk next to the ones I think he’s recently updated and his instructions will tell you what the new kit replaces.


Rock with Bass - Guitar Stu’s kit posted 2016-5-24.


Mod SuperBassG = NP SuperBassG - AashiDeacon creation reposted by Persist 2018-01-22


Mod Standard Pro Bass = NP Standard Pro Bass = Standard Pro with Bass

If you have purchased Standard Pro from Singular, send me a conversation message, not a message in the open forum, requesting the kit. If you have not purchased Standard Pro, try either of the Sub-Standard Pro 62-91 versions that I have posted.

NP Ludwig Bass

If you have purchased Vintage Ludwig from Singular, send me a conversation message, not a message in the open forum, requesting the kit. If you have not purchased Vintage Ludwig, try either of the Sub-Standard Pro 62-91 versions that I have posted.


STAX O’SAX 4 Part was replaced with STAX O’SAX 2.

STAX Piano 4 Part

Replaced by STAX EPiano & Horns.

STAX Honky Tonk = STAX Honky Tonk & picked guitar

NP Standard Bass

I cannot find a link to this kit. I believe it is the basic kit that Garry A uses in his songs, so any of his NP Standard Bass plus something kits should work, as nothing should be mapped above 83 in the song, if it called for NP Standard Bass.

NP Standard Bass with Strings


NP Standard Bass with Rhodes


NP Standard Bass Piano


NP P-Bass and BETT = NP P-Bass and Better Strings
There is no equivalent kit posted at this time.

NP SuperbassG = MOD SuperBassG

Discussed above.

NP E-Piano & 4001 Bass CXRp

Use Electric Jazz Trio 72+C1.

NP Electric Jazz Trio 3XRp

Use Electric Jazz Trio 72+C1.

NP P-Bass and Hammond 2 XLR

NP TMB Bass and Organ

No equivalent has been reposted.


Jim Jacobson’s kit - link is dead.


Wow, high fives Phil! You da bestest! Thx a bunch.

Hello, Can you refresh the links ?

Sometimes you just have to use the forum’s search function.

Here’s a thread linking a couple of the kits: I'm looking for "NP Standard Bass Piano" drum kit

Here’s a link to another one of his kits: I Feel Good (I Got You) OPBk and OPBh(horns) (E) 2017-05-29 - James Brown

Hello Friends, what’s a ‘conversational’ message that is referred to above ?

Conversation started.