Loopers comparison

Has anyone used both the infiniti and the boomerang looper and can weigh in on which one they liked best and why ?

I have not tried the Infinity but the I am loving the BB and Boomerang combination, works nicely.

Agree. Love the boomerang. I have about 30 songs worked up so far with the beat buddy (only had it for about 6 months). I use the boomerang on probably 75% of them. Some of them just for a part or two, like during leads, and some of them I build up a full band sound with more complicated arrangements.

Either way, the BeatBuddy tempo sync makes it super easy to be on-time!

I use the pigtronix infinity looper with BB. I do not have boomerang experience, but the infinity works very well with BB.

If I start a loop at the beginning of a song and record all th way through then at the end of the song start the beat buddy. Should that loop play in sync from start to finish ? How do you set sync I. The beat buddy ?

You must make sure that the beat buddy and the looper are synced via the midi cable. Otherwise the BB and looper will drift apart. here is an example I found on youtube.

BB midi cable is special to singular sound (but can be found at various locations, like guitar center. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Singular-Sound/Beatbuddy-MIDI-Sync-Cable-1418053833802.gc?source=4WWRWXGG&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgP6PBhDmARIsAPWMq6mQTJI3gqrdMh-OGQ0jkT8TWpsgGBuDljO5X_6OU455YjwXs8Qv5ecaAic7EALw_wcB).