Yeah, I know. Air Supply…sappy. But for whatever the reason, this tune has grown on me over the years.

Uses any of the NP kits that you see fit to use. works really well if you have a harmony pedal.
LOST IN LOVE.zip (57.5 KB)

Here’s two balding white hairs (oh, its Air Supply) doing it live.

And the official video (in case you havent had enough)

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Could be worse… maybe Lay Lady Lay?

You, sir, are killing me.

Thanks to both of you. I needed that snarky exchange like fresh air. We all have guilty secrets. I recently worked up Lonely People since the ear worm wouldn’t let me go (having justifiably hated America for years…Horse with no name…really???)

The melody is very beautiful

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Lonely People is one of my favorites. I think I posted it on here somewhere. Gotta admit, I’m stuck in the 60’s - 80’s!

You did indeed and I snagged it. We don’t perform it every night but then the past two years we seem to play just summer short set outdoor things. While I don’t miss packing up after a bar gig in the wee hours of a winter night I do miss having the added time to include songs like one of my all time favorites you did awhile back - Comfortably Numb.