Uses Santana Piano & Organ.
Includes: .sng and chords and lyrics pdf.
Thanks Two Times Phil
Thanks for this work Phil. I don’t know why but when I’m using the Santana Piano & Organ, it doesn’t work (it gives odd sounds). It’s working fine with the Rock with bass kit. Any idea why?
I also noticed that there may be a mistake in the song structure (compared to the studio version). After the first chorus and before the singing of second verse starts, it seems to me that there is one additional bar (in E I guess) that should’nt be there. I can manage it of course but I wanted to let you know.
If you like it with Rock with Bass, party on! I like the piano and organ sounds. I have used it with the Santana Piano and Organ, and with STAX Steinway & Organ. As for the extra bar, I don’t doubt your analysis. I made the song from a Doors sheet music book, and those sometimes have errors, or I may have introduced an error. You could export my OPB part using BBManger and delete the offending measure and rejoin the parts, using a DAW like Audacity or Logic Pro, if you desired. AS I posted this 6 years ago, I am probably going to let it stand as is.
Thanks Phil. Sorry to bother you with technical questions but I never used any DAW software. When you say export the OPB you mean the .sng file?
Also from what I’ve seen on some DAW demos, these softwares display a song timeline, not the bars, correct? Having said that it seems to me that it should not be so easy to remove the exact part of the song that needs to go out.
I’m really lost here…
In BBManager (BBMO apparently has a bug with this process), when you right click on a song part, one of the options available is Export Part as Midi file.
As far as I know, every DAW has an option to display a midi song with a bars option. Midi timing is based on subdivisions of bars. Therefore, if you have a midi file, and you open it in a DAW, you should be able to find and delete a bar (measure).
I can try to look at it tomorrow, but, no promises. I have several other commitments tomorrow. I do have a tutorial posted on how to make a song from a midi file, and it does get into the editing process. I’ll find the link to that topic and post it in a follow-up message.
Persist’s tutorial for Reaper software:
My tutorial in Logic Pro:
It’s going to take a bit of work to get this to match the song. I’ve added the song to a Logic project, and I’ve put the midi track from the BB song to match it, and I can see they are not mating up the way I would like. As, a result it will be a bit before I can finish this edit. I usually work best on this sort of thing first thing in the morning, but it’s already mid-afternoon here, and I am already not in a good mindset continue on with it today. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday. Thursday is booked up with other work.
Thanks Phil, however don’t bother too much as I managed to suppress the non wanted bar (I think it’s number 23 in your midi). Il also added two bars at the beginning because the intrumental intro should be repeated four times before singing starts. I did it with cubase although for some reason cubase won’t give any audio output reading the file…
So If you plan do do it just for me it’s not necessary anymore. As I said, the santana drumset doesn’t work for me so I’m using Rock with bass. However the bass are a bit too present (kind of muddy), a slap bass wouth be better, do you have a drumset in mind that could do the job?
Sorry again for all this.
Hey, thanks for the update. I was just about to write to you to tell you that I was giving up on it, so you saved me some time that I didn’t want to spend. Kits? Some people think that the Rock with Rick Bass 0-31 is a good choice. Most of the basses that are called “slap bass” by the manufacturers are really over the top slap bass, so I’ve never made a kit with one of those. If I think of some other choice I’ll let you know. Good luck!
Jazz Brushes & Upright Bass might be worth a listen. And I have one called Motown Quincy and Bass, that might be more slappy.
Hi Phil, I tried all these kits, none really works. So I’ll stay with Rock with bass for now. If you see something better, please let me know.
I noticed something really weird. When I play the song with Rock with bass in the BBMO it’s fine (except for the lack of slap), however the same song with the same kit gives odd results through BBM! Maybe that is why some of the kits you’re proposing don’t work for me. Any idea of the cause of this bug?
I enclose the song once edited as explained above.
Love_Me_Two_Times.sng (19.2 KB)
Forgot to say, there is one bar count in before guitar should start.