Love Shack DOP, OPB, OPBk(horns), OPk(horns) & PRACTICE (REFRESHED)

The B-52s

Notes: in same key as performed by the group; did not use the ritardando ending

Recommended kit(s):

  • v1 Rock
  • v2 NP StdPBass 63-91
  • v4 and v4m STAX EPiano & Horns

Includes: 4 songs, MIDI source file and Chords & Lyrics

Love Shack (The B-52s).zip (147.8 KB)


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Thank you for this excellent song

Love Love this song; however, can you tell me the count on coming in on the beginning? Trying to follow it and struggling just a bit. Do we start the first part as soon as the beats start or later?

Thanks so much for this!! I LOVE the sound of this!!


I’ll take a look at it as it’s been around 140 songs ago since I originally worked on Love Shack. :neutral_face: Depending on what I find, I may also try to refresh it.

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Aww…thanks so much!! I forget how many have come before and after. But much appreciated if you get any time…2RS

The B-52s


Suggested kit(s):

  • v1 Rock
  • v2 NP StdPBass 63-91
  • V4, v4m (no bass) & v5 STAX EPiano & Horns (PRACTICE)

Includes: 4 songs, MIDI source file, MIDI working file and Chords & Lyrics

Love Shack - The (206.2 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist.

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Thank you so very much! Having to do a big New Years gig and this will be a hit!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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